Ubuntu 12.04 Stuck at “Stopping Userspace bootsplash”

Virtual machine downloaded from windows azure


1. Edit /etc/default/grub

2. Remove bloatware

If you are unable to enter rescue mode – use SystemRescueCd


Pure-FTP config on Windows Azure host

Command:      MLSD
Error:               Connection timed out
Error:               Failed to retrieve directory listing

1. Add ftp endpoints

2.  Configure Pure-Ftp


OpenVPN on OpenWRT router

Note underscore! Seems that OpenWrt does not like hyphen

config openvpn ‘lan’
option script_security ‘2’
option enable ‘1’
option remote ‘212.x.y.z’
option port ‘1194’
option proto ‘udp’
option dev ‘tap0’
option persist_key ‘1’
option persist_tun ‘1’
option keepalive “10 120”
option comp-lzo “yes”
option secret “/etc/config/static.key”
option user ‘nobody’
option group ‘nogroup’
option status ‘/tmp/openvpn-status.log’
option verb ‘3’




Joomla intranet site rendering in IE

It seems that IE turn on by default compatibility view for intranet sites. In that way most joomla DHML menus are not rendering right. To turn off that setting via GP:
Scope: User, MachinePolicy path:Windows Components\Internet Explorer\Compatibility ViewPolicy setting name: Turn on Internet Explorer Standards Mode for Local Intranet

MS AD password expire notification

This is a little VB script that runs FindExpAcc.exe, parses output and send emails to users.

Script have to be started every day with cron job. On iDayOfWeek it will send notification to every user with password expiring in iDaysToExp or less. On every other day it will send notifications only to users with password expiring in exactly iDaysToExp.


Alfresko install on Gentoo

emerge -v mysql dev-java/jdbc-mysql dev-java/hibernate dev-java/log4j dev-java/lucene dev-java/sun-jce-bin media-gfx/imagemagick media-gfx/swftools www-servers/tomcat
wget http://dl.alfresco.com/release/community/build-3370/alfresco-community-3…

chmod +x alfresco-community-3.4.d-installer-linux-x32.bin
workflow ~ # ./alfresco-community-3.4.d-installer-linux-x32.bin  –mode text