Change local admin password with PowerShell

Change local admin password on multiple machines with PowerShell.


Convert VMDK to VHDX with powershell


NextCloud 12 Active Directory nested groups

Insert following query in editor:


Test it:



Recursively change folder permissions Exchange 2016


FC Adapter HBA Attributes

All cluster’s WWN


Adaptive DDOS IDS firewall

We had a task to build a simple solution for DDOS protection on the learning phase of attack. Main goals were:

  1. To build it fast: We chose Ubuntu … as everything needed is compiled and build in.
  2. Minimum network intervention: We opted for L2/L3 bridge with iptables integration which we plugged between our autonomous system (AS) and internet.
  3. Auto learning offenders: Using honeypot service to distinguish non-legitimate connections. Log source IP address and drop packet with iptables. Using suricata ids to additionally analyze client requests.
  4. Auto block offenders: Using fail2ban to pars logs generated by iptables and suricata and temporary disable all connections from offending sources.
  5. Have some connection limit capabilities: Again we used iptables with connlimit and conntrack modules activated.

Continue reading “Adaptive DDOS IDS firewall”

OpenWrt mass configure simple script

How to remove duplicated VMs in VMM console

  1.  Move machine to another hyper-v host via Failover Cluster Manager Console
  2.  Get ID of duplicated VM
  3. Double check working and duplicated machine
  4. Delete duplicated VM configuration

    Note the -Force option! You are risking to delete your data If you do NOT put -Force.

Exchange mailbox statistics in MB



Hyper-V Replicate all VMs