How to remove duplicated VMs in VMM console

  1.  Move machine to another hyper-v host via Failover Cluster Manager Console
  2.  Get ID of duplicated VM
  3. Double check working and duplicated machine
  4. Delete duplicated VM configuration

    Note the -Force option! You are risking to delete your data If you do NOT put -Force.

6 thoughts on “How to remove duplicated VMs in VMM console”

  1. Do you need Hyper-V installed on the VMM server? I run the commands from my vmm server but on step 3 I get the error The Hyper-V role is not installed on the destination host. Thanks

    1. I don’t think that you need Hyper-v role installed on the VMM machine. In fact notes are taken from a VMM running as a virtual machine.

  2. Put status to command
    get-SCVirtualMachine -Name “VMName” |fl id,vmid, virtualmachinestate, hostname, status
    If you have replication and getting Missing status in VMM console, missing is the machine you will delete. Both machines are in the Stopped virtualmachinestate but one, or more, is usualy missing.
    Then proceed with others commands

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